Grey Sun


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    Grey Sun (they/them) is a Hypnotist, Flower Essence Practitioner, and Community Herbalist with a passion for care work that considers a client’s entire self and environment as part of their healing journey. Grey’s approach to care centers the client’s innate knowing, and ability to remember wholeness in the body, mind, and spirit. While Grey is versed in many areas of care, they have specific focuses in trauma therapy, Parts Work, and gender-affirming therapy. They attended Armstrong State University in Georgia for their Bachelor’s Degree in English Literature, studied Community Herbalism at The Blue Ridge School of Herbal Medicine in North Carolina, studied Aura Work, Energy Release, Trance Work, and other hypnotic tools with Carly Ptak, completed their Hypnotherapy Certification at the Hypnotherapy Training Institute in California, and are certified through the American Council of Hypnotic Examiners.